Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Perms for curly hair?

i have really curly hair and it makes it really hard to style fast... does anyone know a good hair cut for curly hair and what a bout a perm. will it damage my hair a lot ?

Perms for curly hair?

Careful when you get your hair cut. If you wear your hair curly go to a curly hair specialist! Otherwise you could end up with uneven locks because they will cut it wet and straight. Usually curly hair needs to be cut dry! I wear my hair long, but it is a lot to take care of. With curly hair it is easier when it is shorter. Also if you already have a lot of volume DO NOT GET IT LAYERED! This will add volume. Your best bet is to go to someone who knows curly hair and ask them what they think woud be best for your face. This will probably be at a higher end salon.

I have really curly hair. Some good tips:

-Never use a brush or comb. Always use your fingers to brush it and only when wet. Run your fingers through your hair like a brush. It is much more gentle.

-Shampoo your hair once every 1-2 weeks. Curly hair does not need to be washed much. The more you shampoo the frizzier it will be because shampoo takes the oil out and your hair is dry.

-Use conditioner every day

-After brushing with fingers, put gel in it. Find one that you like. It make take a few different trys to find a good one.

-Always cut your hair dry. When curly hair is wet it straightens, but when it dries it coils back up. If you get your hair cut wet, it is going to coil up when dry and may be uneven.

-Towel-dry (squeege, don't wrap your hair) or air dry whenever possible. If you must use a hair dryer, you need to use a diffuser.

I use herbal essence curly hair conditioner (and shampoo when I need it) and LA Looks Curly hair gel. If you want pictures of how my hair looks e-mail me

hope this helps!

Perms for curly hair?

having long layers in your hair will help make curly hair easier to style.

and yes perming your hair will damage it.. any thing you do to your hair that involves chemical will damage it

Perms for curly hair?

Ask a hair stylist.

Perms for curly hair?

If you already have curly hair. do not put a perm in. I have very fine hair and perms make it very brittle and thin.

Perms for curly hair?

NEVER ever perm your hair. It'll make the frizz worse! As for the hair cut. I'd recommend long layers. they look the best and the curls don't get the poodle effect. My hair is the same texture at Taylor Swift. So, I have to be very careful with it. I use hand lotion on my hair and then some extreme hold gel. You'll have shiny spiraling curls. Oh, and make sure not to touch it or move quickly until it's 90% dry!

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